
Nurturing Nature

Nature immersion – often prescribed by doctors for depression or anxiety – offers the stillness and simplicity people are craving after so much uncertainty and overstimulation. After COVID-19 we are re-evaluating nature and clean air. During the first lockdown access to outdoor spaces (including a garden or a balcony) or having window views of open spaces with nature naturally decreased symptoms of depression. In other words, spending time outdoors in green environments has a positive and protective effect on one’s mental and physical wellbeing. 

Easy Ideas for Immersing Yourself in Nature

Try to go outside every day, even for just a few minutes

Find a favorite place in nature

Draw, photograph, or sketch in a notebook while in nature

Go for a relaxing hike or long walk

Meditate or focus on mindfulness while outside

Watch the sun set or rise

Learn a new outdoor skill

Learn to identify birds or wild animals in your area